MJ’s Lawn Tips – Mowing Frequency

Ideally, no more than 1/3 of the grass blade should be removed during mowing. For example, a lawn mowed at 2” should not be allowed to grow taller than 3”. Removing too much of the grass blade can damage the plant and make it susceptible to disease and damaging insects in the Virginia Beach and […]

March 17, 2014 in MJs Lawn Service Tips and Helpful Lawn Care Advice by

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Proper Mowing Height

A properly mowed lawn will be more drought tolerant, have less weeds, and be healthier. Different species of turfgrass require different mowing heights. The following is a general guideline for common grasses found locally in the Virginia Beach and Chesapeake areas as well a our Tidewater area as a whole. – Tall Fescue: 2”-4” – Bermuda: 0.5”- […]

February 26, 2014 in MJs Lawn Service Tips and Helpful Lawn Care Advice by

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Proper Watering: Taking Care of your lawn

Water is a key ingredient to the health and success of your lawn. However, over-watering can be a detriment. Finding the balance will determine if you can keep your turf green all year long! Whether you are growing fescue, bermuda, zoysia, or st. augustine, you need to water appropriately. Here are a few general guidelines for  lawns in […]

February 26, 2014 in MJs Lawn Service Tips and Helpful Lawn Care Advice by

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Make A Payment

No Contracts.  No Paperwork. Credit Card: Your account will be setup for automatic credit card billing and the credit card on file will be charged the day after your property is serviced, and then you will receive an email showing your account balance has been paid. No more bills in the mail, and no more […]

August 31, 2010 in Billing Popup by

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Request a Quote

August 31, 2010 in Quote Popup by

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What makes us different?

What makes us the best choice for taking care of your lawn? NO worries (your satisfaction is guaranteed) NO yearly contract required (only a 6 consecutive cut minimum) NO more writing checks every week (payment is charged to your credit card) NO heavy sit down mowers (we only use light weight walk behind and stander […]

August 30, 2010 in Why MJs? by

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Make a Payment

No Contracts.  No Paperwork.

    • Credit Card: Your account will be setup for automatic credit card billing and the credit card on file will be charged the day after your property is serviced, and then you will receive an email showing your account balance has been paid. No more bills in the mail, and no more writing and mailing checks! If the card that we have on file for you is declined or canceled, we will contact you for another card, and service will be temporarily suspended until the balance is paid in full.
      Call (757) 320-6328 to put your card on file today.


    • Cash/Check/Money Order: If you wish to sign a contract and receive monthly invoices, we can accept cash, check, or money order as payment.

Mail To:
MJ’s Lawn Service
P.O. Box 8813
Virginia Beach, VA 23450

  • Prepay: If you would like to prepay for the entire season up front, we can offer you substantial savings by discounting
    10% off of your yearly total.