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Lawn Mowing Equipment

There are literally hundreds of mowers on the market, and most are not the right one for maintaining your residential property. Many of our competitors use zero turn riding lawn mowers “Z” mowers or tractors. These mowers are designed for mowing larger properties and acreage. For smaller residential properties in Virginia Beach and Chesapeake though, they are simply too big. Many companies take a one size fits all approach (so they don’t have to purchase multiple mowers for different size properties). The zero turn riding mowers weigh in at 1000-1300+ lbs, plus the weight of the operator sitting on it. This amount of weight on your lawn every week causes surface compaction and ruts, and when making turns on these mowers, the tires will often leave divots and ripped up sections of turf. If you have a poorly draining lawn or it rains for an extended period, these mowers can create some serious problems.


Because MJ’s Lawn Service only services smaller properties, we use a combination of push mowers, walk behind mulching mowers and compact stander mowers designed and sized for your residential lawn. Our walk behind mowers weigh less than half of a riding z-mower, and they leave behind a manicured look instead of ruts. Our mowers provide a professional quality cut on all types of grass, usually without the need for bagging, which reduces the number of bags going into landfill, without leaving clumps all over your lawn. The finely chopped grass clippings then break down and add nutrients back into your soil which means less chemicals are needed to maintain a healthy lawn. We also stripe your lawn(back and forth mowing pattern as seen in our pictures) so it looks like a football field, and we alternate the pattern every week. This takes longer to do, but looks much better, and is better for the grass as well.

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Lawn Mowing* (NO CONTRACTS)
(sorry, no one time mowings)

Optional Services* (choose all that apply)

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Description, Details and Questions Go Here

Request a Free Quote

Call us at (757) 320-6328

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Make a Payment

No Contracts.  No Paperwork.

    • Credit Card: Your account will be setup for automatic credit card billing and the credit card on file will be charged the day after your property is serviced, and then you will receive an email showing your account balance has been paid. No more bills in the mail, and no more writing and mailing checks! If the card that we have on file for you is declined or canceled, we will contact you for another card, and service will be temporarily suspended until the balance is paid in full.
      Call (757) 320-6328 to put your card on file today.


    • Cash/Check/Money Order: If you wish to sign a contract and receive monthly invoices, we can accept cash, check, or money order as payment.

Mail To:
MJ’s Lawn Service
P.O. Box 8813
Virginia Beach, VA 23450

  • Prepay: If you would like to prepay for the entire season up front, we can offer you substantial savings by discounting
    10% off of your yearly total.