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Turf Program

little neck lawn carecrabrass pre emergent

We are a licensed pesticide applicator in the state of Virginia, and our eight step program will help to get you the nicest lawn on the block!  Our focus is on weed and pest prevention, feeding the turf, and treating existing weeds. Each step listed below will have 6 to 7 weeks between applications (except aeration/seeding). Any weeds growing in your lawn will be spot treated each time we visit your property for an application.

Application 1 completed- Early Spring- Mid February/ Early March

  1. Turf fertilizer, pre-emergent crabgrass and broadleaf weed control.  This application will help your lawn green up early and prevent unwanted weeds in later months. This step is crucial to protecting your lawn from weeds for the rest of the season.

Application 2 completed- Spring- April

  1. Turf fertilizer, pre-emergent crabgrass and broadleaf weed control.  This application will continue to green up and thicken your lawn and prevent unwanted weeds in later months.

Application 3 completed- Early Summer- May/June

  1. Slow release fertilizer to help your lawn prepare for the hot summer months.  Post emergent weed control applied to any existing weeds.

Application 4 completed- Summer- July/August

  1. Organic Summer fertilizer and post emergent weed control.

Application 5 completed- Early Fall – September

  1. Turf fertilizer to help your lawn recover from summer stress and post emergent weed control. Also good time to add a grub treatment to keep them under control!

Aerate and Seed- Early Fall- September/October

  1. Aeration and Seeding- Aeration removes soil compaction, and allows nutrients and water to the roots of your lawn. Seeding helps fill in thin areas and give you an thick and healthy lawn  We use certified fescue seed.  Note: warm season grasses should be aerated in June.

Application 7 completed- Fall- October/ November

  1. Turf fertilizer to help strengthen newly seeded and existing turf

Application 8 completed- Winter- November/ December

  1. Turf fertilizer and post emergent weed control.  This application will help to provide early green up the following Spring while feeding the turf throughout the winter.

This program is ideal for lawns in Hampton Roads.  If you have a warm season grass (Bermuda, St. Augustine, Zoysia), the program differs only slightly.  Fungicides, grub control, and sedge control are also available.  Not every property will need these, so they will be sold individually and recommended by your lawn applicator as needed.

As with all our residential services, this package does not require a contract.  For best results though, you will need to stick with the program for the entire year.  Price is based off of turf square footage and starts at $65 per fertilizer application and $295 for aeration and seeding.  If you would like a quote for your lawn, please give us a call or email!

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Request a Quote

Your Name*

Your Email*


Street Address*

Zip Code*

Lawn Mowing* (NO CONTRACTS)
(sorry, no one time mowings)

Optional Services* (choose all that apply)

How Did You Hear About Us?

Description, Details and Questions Go Here

Request a Free Quote

Call us at (757) 320-6328

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Make a Payment

No Contracts.  No Paperwork.

    • Credit Card: Your account will be setup for automatic credit card billing and the credit card on file will be charged the day after your property is serviced, and then you will receive an email showing your account balance has been paid. No more bills in the mail, and no more writing and mailing checks! If the card that we have on file for you is declined or canceled, we will contact you for another card, and service will be temporarily suspended until the balance is paid in full.
      Call (757) 320-6328 to put your card on file today.


    • Cash/Check/Money Order: If you wish to sign a contract and receive monthly invoices, we can accept cash, check, or money order as payment.

Mail To:
MJ’s Lawn Service
P.O. Box 8813
Virginia Beach, VA 23450

  • Prepay: If you would like to prepay for the entire season up front, we can offer you substantial savings by discounting
    10% off of your yearly total.